022: Smart Shepherding with Science

Meet Jon Hickford a Professor at Lincoln Uni and learn about gene testing in sheep and what benefits it can offer us as sheep breeders.

We’ll discuss how technology can help sheep breeders reduce and even almost eradicate devastating diseases in their flock. In this episode, we talk with Jon about gene testing to breed better animals that are naturally resistant and are more productive.

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019: How Many Sheep Can I Run On My Farm?

This is a challenging one and most of the research on this comes from Australia where they refer to this as a Dry Sheep Equivalent or DSE. This is how many sheep can have have per hectare on your property. There are lots of variables to consider - your soil and pasture, your fertilising program, as well as what breed of sheep you are running - which we’ll take a deep dive into with this episode.

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018: Team Ruminant - The Carnivore Way of Eating with Lynsey from CarniMumma and Carnivore Lifestyle Australia

The carnivore diet is not only an incredibly healing way of eating, but also a whole lifestyle that nourishes you, ensuring you maintain that optimal physical health and mental wellness. Eating a biologically appropriate diet adequately fuels both your body and your mind, enabling your body to restore its nutrient capacity. Your body then heals by natural design. Yes, that’s right, it HEALS itself! It just needs YOU to support it.

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