Frequently Asked Questions

Eager to know more about life at Hallston Valley Farm? Scroll through our more commonly asked questions, or search using the field below. If you can't find what you need, please contact us with your own question.

  • Simply place an order through our website with your preferences and pay our standard deposit.

    Before ordering, you’ll know whether we can deliver to your address, or whether you’ll need to pick up from one of our partner butchers.

    You’ll just need to complete payment of your order before the pick up / delivery date. Don’t worry - we’ll email you with more info when your order is nearly ready!

  • You can choose your preferred cuts—whether you prefer all chops, roasts, or a mix. You’ll make these selections when you place your order online.

    Find out how it works here.

  • Our lamb is freshly butchered and vacuum-sealed for maximum freshness and flavour.

  • Yes! We love meeting our customers. We also offer delivery options depending on your location.

  • Yes we do! We are the only Wiltshire Horn stud in the WORLD to have an on-farm sale each year! Our sheep sale happens annually the Monday before Melbourne Cup day. We sell 18 month old rams, breeding and maiden ewes and weaned ewe lambs at the sale. This includes commercial/flock and stud animals. If you are travelling don’t worry we will provide lunch and refreshments for you on the day!

    Enquire about livestock purchases here.

  • We have commercial Wiltshire Horn ewes for sale. We aim for a high breed standard with rams following local laws and regulations about disease management with rams in particular. Rams equal 50% of the quality of your flock, so the better quality you get the better your flock will be and the more performance and profitability you will enjoy. We sell stud quality/high breed standard rams. We often have rams at different ages to suit your needs.

    Find out more about livestock purchases here.

  • Yes - we suggest you purchase a live animal and bring it to the location where you intend to consume the animal. You can then have a whole sheep ready for your family spit.

  • The best thing is for us to have a chat and find out what your specific needs are, where you are based and what land you have. Our animal breeds may be perfect for you and your conditions, or you may be suited to other livestock – we are happy to give you impartial advice and help you choose what is best for you.

    Learn about our herd & stud profile here.

  • Sure! Let us know what you would like to do when you visit and we can work out a day for you.

    • Want to get hands-on with our animals and learn a few things? We would be happy to teach you how do vaccinate or trim feet.

    • Want to relax and soak it all up? We have fish in our dams, wildlife in abundance and lots of fruit you can pick (mainly from December to May)

    • Animal lover? Pat a sheep, cuddle a lamb or walk an alpaca – come on down and try a day on the farm for yourself.

  • Depending on what you want and when you want it, we have several delivery options including picking up your whole or half animal from your local butcher. We can supply an animal to any butcher in Melbourne and often in Victoria. 

    Learn about ordering lamb meat online here.

    This also applies to live animals. So should you want a few sheep as lawn mowers we can deliver them to you if you don’t have a trailer.

    Enquire about livestock purchases here.

  • There are so many benefits for you and for us too!

    1. You can choose the age of the meat you purchase. Slower maturing lamb for example has a great taste and you won’t get this at a butcher.

    2. Greater choice of cuts sizes - maybe you need bigger cuts for your family size or maybe you want to pay 20-40% less!

    3. You also get to know where your meat has come from and what life the animal has had, including what they have been exposed to in terms of chemicals and their food sources.

    So if taste, quality, confidence and cost are important to you buying direct is the answer. We also love the convenience too - imagine not having to visit a supermarket on a weekly basis for meat, you just need to visit your freezer!